Treatment options for a plugged duct

There are a few things you can take when you’re suffering from a plugged duct. What you can take will depend on the severity of your symptoms. I’ve taken different types of medication during by bought with blocked ducts including: 1) lecithin 2) painkillers and 3) antibiotics. 1. Lecithin Lecithin is a natural substance thatContinue reading “Treatment options for a plugged duct”

How to unclog a plugged duct

An estimated two-thirds of mamas experience plugged milk ducts at some point during their breastfeeding journey. For some, like myself, clogged ducts can be recurrent. If a plugged duct goes untreated, it can lead to more serious infections like mastitis (where mama gets a fever). So it’s important to treat blocked ducts early. At thisContinue reading “How to unclog a plugged duct”